Koen de Geringel

Koen de Geringel

Technisch-creatief strateeg & Developer at IJsfontein

For more than ten years, Koen de Geringel is involved in the creation of apps, sites and games within IJsfontein. Being an allround developer, he combined IJsfontein’s playful principles with the knowledge and experience of digital product development. With his wide interest, a creative view on technology and this experience he currently advices clients on their digital needs and strategy.

Playful Digital User Experiences

Playful Digital User Experiences: what does it take to create more than the sum of its team members.

Developing playful digital products is an interesting journey. It takes a multidisciplinary team of developers, visual designers, game designers etc. to produce them. How to translate an assignment into a valuable user experience but also create a maintainable, flexible and affordable software solution? How to utilise creativity and expertise from all team members? How to validate initial assumptions?

In this talk, I will show you how we at IJsfontein handle this dynamic, illustrated with case studies and our approach and process. I’d like to share my insights from a technical perspective on how rewarding and sometimes challenging our field of work can be.